Docker usage

The two converters are available in dedicated docker releases and work using a Docker image (either precompiled or to build locally), and a set of Makefile recipes that will help you manage the container while mounting the necessary Docker volumes. The volumes are useful to bind files (config, data source, utility, etc.) from your host to the container at startup.

Ontology converter docker

The docker source files are available on Github (ontology converter). Make sure your folder structure is correct (see the dedicated section) and then run the desired recipe from the Makefile.

Data converter docker

The docker source files are available on Github (data converter). Make sure your folder structure is correct (see the dedicated section) and then run the desired recipe from the Makefile.

Installation using the Makefile

Requirements: gcc make. If not available, simply execute the command lines that are in the Makefile, as they are very explicit.

The instructions in the Makefile will help you define the local variables pointing to your local directories.

Get the docker image by running

make build

Run the container by executing either

make up-d
# Or
make debug

Common fails at runtime

pop from empty list

This one means your source RDF files were not found. Check the environment variables defined in the Makefile.

Conversion passed but consistency check were not performed due to absence of ontology tables.
Check CONCEPT_DIMENSION and/or MODIFIER_DIMENSION are in the output folder.

Check the CONCEPT_DIMENSION and MODIFIER_DIMENSION (with trailing “_VERBOSE” if verbose mode) are in the destination folder. Check ( $ head -1 $file ) the column labels are upper-case.